Margaret Watson

About the author

I've made up stories in my head for as long as I can remember - I put myself to sleep at night when I was young by rewriting the plots and endings of books I'd read. I assumed this was normal and everyone else did it, too, until I began getting weird looks when I talked about it. Finally, when I was twelve, I figured it out and decided I'd be a writer when I grew up. I got sidetracked by my love of animals and the need for a 'real' job, so I became a veterinarian instead. Twenty-five years ago, when I realized I was making up stories about my clients and their pets, I decided to try putting them down on paper. The result? After writing thirty books for Harlequin and selling millions of copies of them, I'm now writing The Donovan Family series, romantic suspense novels about a family of Chicago cops. I consider myself the luckiest person in the world to be involved in two careers that I love. But more important than either career is my family - my husband and my three daughters. We live in a Chicago suburb with a menagerie of pets.

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