Michael Cantwell

About the author

Kentucky was only my home for a few days after my birth. Raised in Ewing Township, outside of Trenton, New Jersey, I dashed off to South Florida during my college days. Hard to pass on bikinis in January. I’ll give a shout out to Notre Dame High and LaSalle University, the upper schools I attended. Readers will notice the schools are mentioned a few times. Soon after college graduation, I married my wife of so many years now that she won’t allow me to tell you how many. We have three great kids. They paid me to mention it, so it’s the least I could do. I began my writing career after a few gray hairs began to show, though not many. I kinda stumbled into writing and now it’s forced me to wake up most mornings before dawn with crazy characters or several lines of dialogue permeating my brain. So I have that going for me. After finishing my first manuscript, I had no clue about query letters, agents, or what publishers do. I’ve learned a lot, with much more still to accomplish. There have been more bumps in the road than I had expected, but since I still wake up most mornings with voices in my head, I’d better write stuff down. I don’t want anyone to think I’m hearing things for no good reason.

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