Isabella Ides

About the author

Isabella Ides is a poet, playwright, and novelist, living in Dallas, Texas. Her latest release, The Godma's Daughters was sparked by a trip to Maya country. The lone visitor at a Cenote — one of a thousand of spring-fed pools that riddle the Yucatan — Isabella was tagged by a mystery. The Cenote beckoned. She jumped in and the ghosts of that pool became her ghosts. And the setting of the climax of The Godma's Daughters, became the waters of a god-haunted pool, Yax Tok Ts'ono'ot. Her trilogy, White Monkey Chronicles, undoubtedly sparked by her rebellious Catholic girlhood, won the Jemma Prize for Speculative Fiction and an International Book Award finalist for Visionary Fiction. White Monkey Chronicles is contemporary literary fable that follows a rogue order of nuns, tucked away in Humboldt County, who are raising an undocumented deity on the downlow. The Sisterhood, long persecuted by prayer eaters and the birdmen of The Great Church, is on the verge of extinction when a mysterious white monkey appears in a snowstorm. It is a holy night like no other. *** Critical Praise*** for White Monkey Chronicles: “Sure to be a classic.” -- IndieReader. "I LOVE this book. It's like Douglas Adams, Kurt Vonnegut, J.K. Rowling and Gloria Steinem got drunk one night and decided to write a book!" -- B.J. Austin, Public Radio *** Critical Praise*** for The Godma's Daughters "...profound...lyrical masterpiece...edge-of-your-seat page turner..." C.S. Holmes for IndieReader "A superb conjuring act!" Elizabeth Cunningham, author, The Maeve Chronicles Isabella Ides is also the winner of several theatre accolades, including a Critic’s Forum Awards for Coco & Gigi, Jo & Louisa, Lydie Marland in the Afterlife, and Echo Theater’s National Big Shout Out for The Early Education of Conrad Eppler. She is currently working on a new poetry collection, "Ova."

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