Kenneth Hicks

About the author

Kenneth Hicks was born in Chicago, Illinois (1948) but grew up in Abingdon Township in Pennsylvania and attended Haverford College (B.A.1970) and Columbia University Law School (LL.B. 1976). Ken married his co-author Anne Rothman, a graduate of Bryn Mawr College (B.A.1971), and they have lived in New York City for many years and raised three children. Kenneth Hicks is the author of THE COMPLETE HITCHHIKER (1973). He is co-author with Anne Rothman of THEFT OF THE SHROUD (1984), STARFINDER (1984), as well as a series of books about children's names DAVID'S BOOK, MICHELE'S BOOK, JOHN'S BOOK, MICHAEL'S BOOK, ELIZABETH'S BOOK, and JENNIFER'S BOOK (all 1984). Many of Ken and Anne's recent books are set in New York City and are so thoroughly integrated into the actual streets and parks that readers have commented on the fact that the City is almost a character in the books. In July of 2013, they published a mainstream novel called KATE AND THE KID through Wings ePress. A mystery/suspense novel featuring attorney Jane Larson, PRAISE HER, PRAISE DIANA, was published by Melange Books on October 16, 2014. Two more Jane Larson mysteries, WEAVE A MURDEROUS WEB and MIND ME, MILADY, were published in 2016 and 2017. Their latest in the Jane Larson series, KILLER SOUL MATE, was published in December of 2019. Ken and Anne also write books for middle readers. STONE FACES, an Alice and Friends book was published by MuseItUp Publishing in 2016. BROWNSTONE FACES, second in the series, was released in 2017. SPLOTCH was added in 2018. These books are currently unavailable since MuseItUp Publishing ceased doing business. Ken and Anne hope to reissue them in Kindle and paper formats very soon. Finally, Ken and Anne have published two books for tween readers. In THINGS ARE NOT WHAT THEY SEEM (2014), they introduced Jenny and James, born and bred New Yorkers, who discover a talking pigeon in Central Park, named Arthur Whitehair. Jenny and James' attempt to help Whitehair become human again (he had been turned into a pigeon by a spell gone very wrong years earlier). An adventure ensues which puts them all in great danger. THINGS has been reissued with a new title, THE PIGEON TALKED owing to the colure of MusItUp Publishing. The new title is available in Kindle format and in paper. The adventure continues in REMEMBERING THOMAS when Jenny and James step through a time portal and find themselves in the middle of the Battle of Manhattan during the Revolutionary War. Ken and Anne hope to reissue this novel soon as well.

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