Scott Zavoda

About the author

Becoming an author is mostly like wandering through forest a hundred miles from anything and occasionally screaming with hope that someone hears. I'm an airline pilot turned writer from Cleveland Ohio. Growing up I was an "Aviation Nut." A pilot's job is a nice job if you like working alone. Same goes for writing, I'm finding. I did what most boys at a young age did: played in the mud, goggled over girls, sports, stayed out too late with friends sometimes. But I also read tons of novels. I hid Dean Koontz and Stephen King books inside my school textbooks . . . nobody knew or stopped me or said a teenager shouldn't read those things. I attended Kent State University and majored in aerospace, then went on to become a flight instructor and finally a pilot. But my latest obsession is writing fiction. I absolutely love it. It's difficult but rewarding as most difficult things are. Releasing my first collection, "Alone at Midnight," has motivated me to keep the dream alive, and I'm currently writing my first novel to be released late 2015. My wonderful wife, Michaelle, deserves the most credit, reminding me often that dreams should never age. And you, the reader of course. Why else would I do this? I like to set aside time every day to reach out, to answer emails, and thank you for helping me.

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