Peter Butler

About the author

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Everything I write is fiction... except the true bits. Ignoring my affair with Enid Blyton my early reading involved paperbacks by fabulous writers like Wilbur Smith, Robert Ludlum, Frederick Forsythe, Nelson DeMille and their contemporaries. At the time I was simply enjoying the distraction and entertainment I was receiving, but their influence stayed with me, subliminally, and instilled a deep desire to write entertaining stories; a desire I quashed for the largest part of my life because I felt I didn't know enough to fill a full size novel. I'll never know if I was wrong about that, except to say that when I started writing my first novel "Womanhood" the ideas and story lines just seemed to pour out of me. Maybe it was my time... or, I just ran out of cowardice. With hindsight I kick myself for not starting earlier as my entry into the world of authorship coincided with the demise of the eBook due to overcrowding and computers making decisions that used to be made by educated people who loved books, and put art in front of money. Trying to fit my stories into a single category is difficult as I'm writing for a broad spectrum of intelligent people who enjoy romance, humor, a bit of drama and a lot of laughs. Actually that is a lie, I write purely for my own enjoyment, to do anything else would make the process "just a job", and the result would be like so many other books written by people whose background is writing memos and presentations. Read the first few pages of any of my novels and you'll know if you are going to enjoy my books. I'm an Aussie so my stories reflect a laid-back, tongue-in-cheek attempt at mocking the world and all the badness that has now become normal and is accepted as such. All my works to date, are set in today's world. All of my characters are like you and me, or someone we know, and my primary objective is to entertain you. You will never see a Marvel adaptation of my stories, but I'd like to think that a lover of Curtis' movies might be interested. I don't like to empower my characters with superhuman skills or unbelievable vocations like evil computer genius, hit-man, or the ubiquitous, done-to-death, billionaire. I don't know anyone who fits those titles so I'd just be copying stereotypes of bland story-less action TV/movies if I ever tried, and would end up with derivative characters that only appeal to very young minds. Instead, I create real, fake people... that you hopefully can relate to. If you'd like to join me in one of my "escape-to" worlds then I suggest you start by reading 'Garrett & Sunny', it's fun-filled escapism with flirty, witty dialog. Or, try my "Dreams" series - 'Buy Me a Dream' is book 1 and tells of the coming together of Mark and Sasha. Two ambitious people with big dreams who realize that, together, they have a chance to make it. Their relationship is tumultuous, but incredibly rewarding - well, most of it. 'Dream On', is book 2 in the series. It picks up their story and puts the pieces of their lives back together, (tumultuous, remember?) then takes their dreams to another level. Book 3 is titled "Sasha - Life at the Top". In this story Sasha has finally 'made it' and is touring the world, having a brilliant time, especially in my home country, Australia. If you enjoy curling up in a chair or in bed with a novel you can get lost in, then I'd love you give my stories a go. Cheers, Peter

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