Ed Falco

About the author

Ed Falco's latest book is the poetry collection X in the Tickseed (LSU, 2024). His previous books are the novel, Transcendent Gardening (C&R Press, 2022), the poetry collection, Wolf Moon Blood Moon (LSU, 2017), and the crime novels, Toughs (Unbridled Books, 2014) and The Family Corleone (Grand Central, 2012). The Family Corleone was developed from a screenplay by Mario Puzo, spent several weeks on The New York Times Best Seller and Extended Best Seller lists, and has sold around the world in twenty-one foreign editions. Other recent books include the story collection, Burning Man (SMU, 2011), and the novel Saint John of the Five Boroughs (Unbridled, 2009). Other books include Sabbath Night in the Church of the Piranha: New and Selected Stories (Unbridled, 2006), Wolf Point, a novel,(Unbridled, 2006) and In the Park of Culture, a collection of short fictions from The University of Notre Dame Press. His earlier works include the novel Winter in Florida, the hypertext novel, A Dream with Demons, the hypertext poetry collection, Sea Island, and a chapbook of prose poem, Concert in the Park of Culture, as well as two collections of short stories: Acid and Plato at Scratch Daniel's & Other Stories. Acid won the Richard Sullivan Prize from the University of Notre Dame, and was a finalist for The Patterson Prize. He has won a number of other prizes and awards for his writing, including an NEA Fellowship in fiction, a Virginia Commission for the Arts Fellowship in playwriting, the Emily Clark Balch Prize for Short Fiction from The Virginia Quarterly Review, The Robert Penn Warren Prize in Poetry from The Southern Review, The Mishima Prize for Innovative Fiction from The Saint Andrews Review, a Dakin Fellowship from the Sewanee Writers' Conference, two Individual Artist's Fellowships from the Virginia Commission for the Arts, and The Governor's Award for the Screenplay from The Virginia Festival of American Film. His stories have been published widely in journals, including The Atlantic Monthly, Playboy, and TriQuarterly, and collected in The Best American Short Stories, The Pushcart Prize, and several anthologies, including, Blue Cathedral: Short Fiction for the New Millennium. An early innovator in the field of digital writing, Falco's online work includes Self-Portrait as Child w/Father (Iowa Review Web), Circa 1967-1968 (Eastgate Reading Room), "Charmin' Cleary" (Eastgate Reading Room), and "Chemical Landscapes Digital Tales (with photographer Mary Pinto, in Volume I of The Electronic Literature Collection). His play, Possum Dream, premiered at Akron's None Too Fragile theatre in June, 2014, and had a limited Off Off Broadway run at the Shetler Studio Theatre in March of 2015. Falco lives in Blacksburg, Virginia, where he is a professor in Virginia Tech's MFA program.

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