Monica Starkman

About the author

I am a psychiatrist-author-novelist. I write regularly for Psychology Today, my column is I enjoy all of these roles immensely, and sometimes they intersect, which doubles or triples the pleasure! I am a professor at the University of Michigan Medical School, where I see patients, teach resident doctors, and do scientific research. With my Psychology Today articles, I love the fact that I am reaching the hundreds of thousands of people who are clicking to read these articles - so many more people than I ever reached in my clinical practice and teaching. My novel: The End of Miracles, is another way my interests intersect. It is an engrossing and haunting book about the drastic consequences of a frustrated obsession. Margo is a woman whose body has betrayed - by infertility and then a late miscarriage - her deep need to have a baby. A false pregnancy is just the first step in her suspenseful journey into mental illness and startling actions that have profound consequences for herself and others. Thanks for looking in on me!

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