Crystal Davis

About the author

Crystal Davis is a #1 International Best-Selling Author, Speaker, Trainer, Consultant, Direct Sales Expert, and Certified Life, Confidence, and Dream Builder Mentor. She’s a proud single mom of 2 beautiful daughters Alana & Kailynne and her passion has been to share her authentic story of a 20-year survivorship of abuse. Crystal is driven by passion and purpose to inspire other women and men to stand up and be heard living an Authentic Driven Life. Crystal’s drive to provide for her daughters catapulted her career in Direct Sales for three decades. Her proven leadership skills brought her across many stages reaching new awards consistently. Crystal has mentored 1,000’s of online and offline Coaches, Direct Sales Leaders, and talented Athletes producing success, wealth, and million-dollar sales teams. Crystal Davis has been featured on multiple platforms including 40+ podcasts, radio shows, magazines, as well as ABC, NBC, CBS, and Fox landing 8 TV segments. Her "FREE" webinars The BestSeller Method & The Authentic Driven Life Master Class are her current passions. Her proven 3-step process shows you step by step how to discover your purpose, develop an unshakable confidence, and design your destiny, so you can delivery your mesage to the world. Crystal is so excited to offer Voice 2 Visibility, through videos, language, camera confidence, and communicating your authentic selling story to catapult your credibility and message to market match. You will be left behind if you are not doing video teaching, training, connecting, solving problems, and emotionally connecting with your ideal clients on social media. Learn from a serial entrepreneur with well over 3 decades of proven sales and leadership mastery. INCREASE YOUR VISIBILITY CATAPULT YOUR CREDIBILITY IMPACT YOUR AUDIENCE AND INCOME We look forward to seeing you on the inside!

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