Louis Bennett

About the author

When Louis Bennett started his first online business, he was a stay-at-home dad taking care of two small children. The "business" was launched from the living room, and he started selling his old and stuff that he wasn't using on eBay. After making few hundred dollars, he started checking out garage sales, buying valuable items for only a few bucks. After that humble start, Louis quickly realized that he could upscale his business and he hired a part-time assistant to visit garage sales in nearby towns. The success-train was just getting started - once he started hiring more assistants, the results were simply breathtaking. He started making few thousand dollars each month, and the income kept growing. He then started opening few businesses that will later become his passive income streams, with limited to no attention from him. That’s the direction he’s taking at the moment, and he wishes to teach as many people as he can. He wrote Shopify guide for beginners, Passive Income Ideas, and Amazon FBA.

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