Ingrid Morgan

About the author

Ingrid Morgan is a reiki master, hypnotherapist and, well an author. She enjoys cream with coffee, stalking eBay auctions and is more than a little obsessed with the Law of Attraction. As an avid reader of Law of Attraction books, her favourites include "The Feeling is the Secret" by Neville Goddard, "The Law of Attraction: The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham" by Ester and Jerry Hicks and of course, "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne. In keeping, Ingrid is also passionate about health, wellness and finance. As an Aries, she has always been consumed with getting what she wants. She is committed to finding the fastest, most effective path from desire to actualization- and wants to help others do the same. You can follow her adventures and be kept up to date with new releases, promotions and giveaways on Instagram. @IngridMorganAuthor

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