Christian Celind

About the author

Christian Celind was born and raised in Sweden, in the southernmost province of Scania. Already at a young age he developed a flair for writing. For many years it never amounted to any competitive or commercial attempts, but the words kept coming. There were countless school and university essays, numerous football (soccer) match reports for his team, hundreds of travel blog entries, and thousands of wordy emails. Recently he discovered the world of self-publishing. Writing a story was only part of the effort, and learning about editing, design, publishing, and marketing turned a writing project into a small private business venture. Although still far from the level of best-selling material required to be self-sufficient in the business, the process of getting to this point was extremely interesting and rewarding. Christian currently resides in Heidelberg, Germany. He’s got a daytime job in the aerospace industry. No, he’s not an astronaut or even a rocket scientist, and albeit being in the far periphery of the field, it is an exceptionally fascinating area to be in. He’s a history buff, a travel addict, a huge sports fan, and would like to explore the world of photography further. For more information and to sign up for the latest news per email visit

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